Hiplok D1000 Review: The Original Angle Grinder Beater

Hiplok D1000 Review: The Original Angle Grinder Beater

Last Updated on January 3, 2025 0 Comments

The Hiplok D1000 was the first portable, angle grinder resistant bike lock to be announced, back in 2021.

Shortly after it came out, a year later, Litelok announced their own angle grinder resistant lock (I compare Litelok X1 vs the Hiplok D1000 here), and I expect several more to appear in the next year or so.

However, this is a Hiplok D1000 review and as ever, I’ll be concentrating on how secure it is, how easy it is to carry around and use on a daily basis. And finally, I’ll be looking at alternatives, if it’s not the right lock for you.

Let’s get into it…

For those looking for the most angle grinder resistant bike lock, available right now, there's no other choice! 


Hiplok D1000

Hiplok D1000

My score:

Rating: 4 stars

Check price:

Shackle thickness:

20 x 15 mm


4.2 lb (1.9 kg)

Size (internal):

3.62 x 6.1"
(9.2 x 15.5 cm)

Other Security Ratings:

Hiplok D1000 Pros

  • Incredible angle grinder resistance
  • Solid build quality
  • It's available immediately

Hiplok D1000 Cons

  • Will be too small for some people 
  • No frame mount
  • It’s unbelievably expensive

How secure is the Hiplok D1000?

The Hiplok D1000 is an incredibly secure bike lock. It is one, of only three u-locks (the others being the Litelok X3 and X1), that have been awarded a Sold Secure Motorcycle Diamond rating.

And this means its all round security (not just its angle grinder resistance) is the very best you can get.

Hiplok D1000 shackle diameter

The Hiplok D1000 shackle measures 20 x 15 mm

And if we look at the specs, it’s not hard to see why. It features a square shackle with a 20 x 15 mm profile, which makes it entirely bolt cutter proof. And the shackle locks into the crossbar on both sides, which prevents leverage attacks and means it needs to be cut twice to defeat it.

Hiplok D1000 double locking shackle

A double locking shackle stops leverage attacks and needs to be cut twice to defeat

However, these specs are much like any other high security bike lock.

The thing that sets the Hiplok D1000 apart is its angle grinder resistance. And this is down to the fact that the steel construction is reinforced with a graphene ceramic composite material called Ferosafe.

This material will destroy angle grinder discs as they are attempting to cut through the lock.

I tested the Hiplok D1000 (along with the Litelok X1 and X3, and the Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit Mini), against an angle grinder and the results were pretty incredible.

You can watch the videos below. But they are very long and noisy. So I have also complied the results into a table:

Time to cut

Litelok X3

Hiplok D1000

Litelok X1


First side:

3:25 min
3 discs

2:50 min
3 discs

1:10 min
1 disc

16 seconds
1 disc

Both sides:

5:30 min
4 discs

4:25 min
5 discs


3 discs

32 seconds
1 disc

It’s important to note that my tests were designed to compare the relative angle grinder resistance of the different locks. My tests were not to replicate the way a thief would attack the locks in the street.

Therefore, I tried to reduce any extra variability (beyond the essential angle grinder resistance of each lock), that might skew the results, by:

  1. Using a mains powered angle grinder to reduce variability in power
  2. Clamping or taping the locks down to reduce variability in movement
  3. Not counting the time it took to change the discs

In the street a thief would be using a portable angle grinder, would have to deal with the movement of the lock and would have to go through the rigmarole of changing multiple discs. So the times would be way higher.

Nevertheless, the times in the table are already very impressive.

In the video below, you can see just how quickly I cut the Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit Mini:

The Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit Mini was indisputably the strongest portable bike lock in the world, until this new generation of locks appeared. And yet I was able to cut through both sides in just 32 seconds, without needing to change any discs.

In contrast, it took 4 minutes and 25 seconds to cut through both sides of the Hiplok D1000. That’s over 8 times as long as the Fahgettaboudit. And don’t forget: that doesn’t include the time to change the 5 discs that I needed to get through the lock!

If I included the time to change the discs, the difference would be way bigger.

In the video below, you can see the Hiplok D1000 vs the Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit Mini:

Also worth noting: although the Litelok X3 took about a minute longer to cut with an angle grinder (making it the strongest bike lock in my tests), I needed an extra disc to get through the D1000. So if I included the times to change the discs (which is important in a real life scenario, the times would be much closer).

So what can we conclude from all this? That the Hiplok D1000 is extremely secure, and it’s only rivaled for the award of the strongest portable bike lock money can buy is the Litelok X3 (which is currently suffering from limited availability).

But what about usability? Let's look at this next…

Is the Hiplok D1000 easy to carry?

Although it’s quite small (more on this later), the Hiplok D1000 is a heavy bike lock. Its official weigh is 3.97 lb (1.8 kg). However, on my scales, it weighed 4.25 lb (1.9 kg). Either way, this is about the same as 5 cans of coke, which means it’s definitely not a lightweight option!

Hiplok D1000 weight

Weighing the Hiplok D1000

So you need to think carefully about how you’re going to carry it while you’re riding around on your bike.

Unfortunately, unlike the Litelok X1, the Hiplok D1000 doesn’t come with a frame mount. However, you can buy a separate carry pouch, which can either be attached to your bike frame (in various different places) or your belt.

When I bought my Hiplok D1000, the carry pouch wasn’t available, so I haven’t been able to test it.

Hiplok D1000 carry pouch on hip

The carry pouch can be worn on a belt

However, as a rule, I’m not a big fan of belt worn carry straps. They are a pain to get on and off your belt all the time. Moreover, with a heavy, bulky bike lock like the Hiplok D1000 it can be really difficult to get the lock in and out, and the weight can drag one side of your belt down quite unpleasantly.

At least, this is the experience I had with the Litelok Restrap Holster. While the Hiplok pouch is a bit more substantial, I can imagine it will suffer to some degree from the same issues. And for me, the extra bulkiness of the Hiplok pouch makes it less suitable to be worn on a belt, anyway.

Hiplok D1000 carry pouch on bike

Or the carry pouch can be strapped to a your bike

I’m also not keen on attaching a pouch to my bike frame. Apart from the fact that it’s conspicuously ugly (all frame mounts are ugly, but a pouch is big and ugly), it will be easy to steal. All a thief has to do is unstrap it.

So if you want to be sure it isn’t stolen, you would need to unstrap it and remove it every time you leave your bike. Which would get tired very quickly.

I stress again: I haven’t tried this carry pouch. Read the reviews, they are generally positive (although some allude to the issues I mention above, particularly difficulties in getting the lock in and out of the pouch).

You may well make it work for your set-up. But for me, I would probably just throw the Hiplok D1000 in a backpack or in my saddlebag. Or even use those elastic luggage straps to attach it to a pannier (if I had one).

Hiplok D1000 with coke

Compact but heavy (it weighs the same as 5 cans of Coke)

It’s heavy, so you will feel it in a bag. But because it’s quite small and compact, it won’t be as inconvenient to carry in a bag as some of the more bulky high security bike locks.

However, while the compactness does make it a bit easier to carry, it also has some potential drawbacks…

Is the Hiplok D1000 easy to use? 

Internally, the Hiplok D1000 measures 3.62” (9.2 cm) x 6.1” (15.5 cm). This means that it’s actually a mini u-lock. In fact, it has very similar internal measurements to the Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit Mini, which is the lock it is most similar to in size and weight.

Hiplok D1000 internal dimensions

The internal dimensions of the Hiplok D1000

While such a compact size makes it a bit easier to carry, it means that there’s space to get around your bike and whatever you’re trying to lock it to. Which in some cases can make for a frustrating locking experience.

On my thin framed, skinny wheeled bike, which I lock (almost exclusively), to Sheffield bike stands in a big city, I had no problems at all using the Hiplok D1000. I could consistently get the D1000 around my back wheel, the frame and the bike stand.

Hiplok D1000 on back wheel and seat tube

No problems using the classic locking technique with my skinny bike 

However, I didn’t need to do this in a busy bike rack, where I wouldn’t always be able to get the things in the most optimal position. This would have made things much harder. And if I was trying to lock an ebike, a mountain bike, a chunky city bike, or indeed anything a bit thicker than my bike, I wouldn’t be able to lock my bike like this.

In these situations, there wouldn’t be enough room inside the Hiplok D1000 to get it around the frame, the rear wheel and the bike stand (which is one of the most optimal ways to lock a bike).

Hiplok D1000 back wheel and seat stays

There are different ways to lock a bike effectively!

However, there are other, perfectly acceptable ways to lock your bike with the Hiplok D1000. You could just lock the frame and use alternative methods to protect your back wheel (and other wheels).

Note: make sure that the lock needs to be cut to steal the bike. For instance, if you only lock the top tube to the bike rack, a thief can just cut through the bike rack and then ride off with the bike, without cutting the lock!

Hiplok D1000 on top bar

A thief will cut through the bike rack and ride off with your bike

You could also use the Sheldon Brown method (where you just secure the wheel to the bike stand, but inside the rear triangle, so that the bike can’t be stolen just by removing the rear wheel), for short stops.

However, I know that some people are attached to particular ways of locking their bikes, so I warn those people: you may not be able to use the Hiplok D1000 in this way, and should adapt or look for another lock!

What is particularly strange for me is that Hiplok chose to coat the D1000 in a ridiculously thick silicone sleeve, which (while it will do a good job of protecting your paintwork), further reduces the internal locking space.

Hiplok D1000 sleeve thickness

Bizarrely, the thick silicone sleeve further reduces the internal space

I saw in the Bennetts review that in order to use it on his motorbike, John removed the sleeve and replaced it with a layer of tape, which increases the internal locking space while maintaining some protection for his paintwork.

We really shouldn’t have to resort to these sorts of hacks, but it could be worth the effort if it gives you the necessary extra space to lock your bike as you’d like!

Other than the limited internal space (which may or may not be an issue for you), the Hiplok D1000 worked perfectly for me…

Hiplok D1000 keyhole uncovered

The keyhole protector peeled back

Everything works in a simple, un-flashy but practical way. For example, the mechanism is protected by a thick flap of rubber that is permanently attached to the crossbar and folds across to plug into the keyhole. You have to operate this manually, but there’s nothing to go wrong.

Hiplok D1000 keyhole cover

The keyhole protector plugged in

You get three replaceable keys, a 10-year warranty, and that’s about it really, No attempt at fancy technological innovations that don’t quite work. Just a straightforward bike lock with incredible angle grinder resistance!

Hiplok D1000 key registration

You get three replaceable keys

Conclusion: Is the Hiplok D1000 worth it?

Second only to the Litelok X3 in terms of angle grinder resistance, the Hiplok D1000 is a very impressive bike lock.

However, one thing we haven’t mentioned so far is the price. The Hiplok D1000 retails at around
$300 or £250, which is a huge amount of money to spend on a bike lock. For comparison, the aforementioned Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit Mini is usually available for less than a third of this price.

And I used to think the Fahgettaboudit was too expensive!

Of course, the Litelok X3 retails for around the same price as the Hiplok D1000. So these new angle grinder resistant bike locks are really pushing the boundaries of what it is acceptable to spend on a bicycle security.

Litelok X1 vs Litelok X3 vs Hiplok D1000

Litelok X1 vs Litelok X3 vs Hiplok D1000

But if you want the very highest level of security, you’ve only got 2 choices at the moment: the Hiplok D1000 or the Litelok X3 (which has a 90-day wait time from order to delivery). So in fact, if you need a bike lock in the next 3 months, your only choice is the Hiplok!

If you don’t need the very highest level of protection, then the Litelok X1 provides a nice compromise (see below, my full Litelok X1 review or my Litelok X1 vs Hiplok D1000 comparison)!

But for those with very expensive bikes, which get left in very high risk circumstances (for long periods, in busy areas), the Hiplok D1000 is going to provide the sort of peace of mind that no other (immediately available) bike lock can.

Alternatives to the Hiplok D1000

There aren’t many comparable alternatives to the Hiplok D1000. But there are two very obvious ones…

Looking for something cheaper?

Litelok X1

The Litelok X1 has a load of potential advantages over the Hiplok D1000. It’s lighter. It comes with a decent frame mount. More internal space gives you more locking options. And it’s much, much cheaper.

It’s definitely not as angle grinder resistant as the Hiplok D1000 (or the Litelok X3), but it’s much more so than any other bike lock currently on the market.

And since any would be bike thief will have to change their angle grinder blades at least once to get through it, for most people the Litelok X1 will probably provide enough angle grinder resistance to be worth it.

Looking for something bigger?

Litelok X3

If you’re not put off by the price of the Hiplok D1000, but need something a little bit bigger (perhaps for an ebike or some other chunky bicycle), then the Litelok X3 could be a great alternative.

It has similar angle grinder resistance to the Hiplok D1000 (in my tests, it actually took longer to get through the X3). It’s about the same weight. It’s around the same price. But it’s also 0.5 cm wider and 4 cm longer.

And that little bit of extra internal space actually gives you quite a lot more locking opportunities.

The only problem is that at the moment there is a 3 month wait between order and delivery. So if you need your lock anytime soon, it’s no good!

Hiplok D1000 Specs

Hiplok D1000

Hiplok D1000

My score:

Rating: 4 stars

Check price:

Shackle thickness:

20 x 15 mm


4.2 lb (1.9 kg)

Size (internal):

3.62 x 6.1"
(9.2 x 15.5 cm)

Other Security Ratings:

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About the author 

Carl Ellis

I've had bikes stolen in London, New York and Barcelona. Yep, I was a serial, international, bike theft victim. In 2015 I decided to stop the rot. And not a single bike's been stolen since! Brakes, yes. Bells, yes. But they're another story. Everything I learn, I document on this website. More about my story. Contact me. LinkedIn.

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